Monday 30 May 2011

It is OK to criticize, but get your fact right first

The recent electric tariff hike had made the rakyat furious. In the cyberspace, the angry rakyat started a cyber war on Malaysia's PM Facebook page. So many angry comments, not to forget some offensive remarks were posted on his wall.

Not to condone nor objecting their opinion (I still believe in freedom of speech), but I am amused when some of them are just barking without checking on the fact first. This is very different from criticizing where any remarks or critics were made on a factual basis. Look at this picture:

Click on picture to enlarge

To Malayan Tiger, I would like to share with you that you are using the wrong electrical unit in your comment. For your info, Malaysia (as well as most Commonwealth countries) are using 240 Volt system for distributing single phase electric supply, as opposed to US using 120 Volt. The correct unit is Volt and not Watt. Watt is use to measure the power consumed by an electrical device. If you want to bash, please bash with correct fact, or else people will be laughing at you.

p/s: Not a fan of Najib Razak on FB. Undi adalah rahsia.

Monday 23 May 2011

Adakah Harga Kenderaan Mempengaruhi Harga Otak Seseorang Itu?

Apa pendapat anda tentang pernyataan di atas? Berikut saya berikan beberapa situasi untuk direnung:

Situasi 1

Tempat: Kawasan letak kereta Mesra Mall
Kenderaan: Sebuah kereta jenis Nissan Sentra model terbaru

Pemandu kereta ini mengalihkan kon yang diletakkan di ruang letak kereta untuk OKU sedangkan banyak lagi petak yang kosong. Dipercayai pemandu kereta itu ingin meletakkan keretanya di situ kerana lokasinya yang berhampiran dengan pintu masuk pusat membeli belah itu. Tanggapan awal saya tentang pemandu tersebut adalah beliau MUNGKIN merupakan orang kampung yang hanya banyak duit tapi tiada kesedaran sivik.

Situasi 2

Tempat: Laluan Kuantan-Kuala Terengganu berhampiran dengan Rantau PETRONAS
Kenderaan: Sebuah kereta jenis Proton Wira yang telah diubahsuai

Pemandu kereta merupakan seorang wanita dan di dalamnya terdapat 3 orang penumpang yang lain, kesemuanya wanita. Penumpang termasuk pemandunya sekali dengan tanpa rasa bersalah membuang bungkusan makanan keluar dari kenderaan sehingga terkena sebuah kereta jenis Proton Satria Neo berwarna hitam yang dipandu oleh seorang lelaki botak. Tanggapan awal saya tentang kumpulan wanita berkenaan ialah MUNGKIN mereka merupakan penduduk kampung yang memandu kereta terpakai dan berasal dari kawasan pedalaman Pahang (kereta berkenaan mempunyai nombor pendaftaran dari Pahang).

Situasi 3

Tempat: Gerai burger King Burger di Bandar Sri Kerteh, berhadapan dengan pasar mini R-Tinie
Kenderaan: Motosikal jenis Honda EX5

Pemilik motosikal di atas merupakan penjual burger di gerai berkenaan. Setiap kali saya membuat tempahan burger melalui telefon (kadang-kadang saya membuat tempahan kerana malas menunggu), beliau tidak pernah lupa untuk memberi salam kepada pelanggannya sebelum mengambil tempahan. Walaupun mempunyai muka yang garang serta suara yang agak tegas, tetapi sikap profesional beliau amat saya senangi. Kawasan gerainya bersih, dan sampah tidak dibuang merata-rata seperti kebanyakan gerai burger yang saya telah lawati. Cara penyediaan burger yang sangat tersusun juga merupakan sebab saya amat menghormati beliau. Apabila menerima bayaran dari pelanggan, beliau tidak pernah lupa untuk berakad (bukan akad nikah, tapi ucapan "Saya jual" dan disambut oleh pelanggan, "Saya beli") dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan. Saya kira beliau lebih baik daripada pelayan wanita di kedai makan yang berwajah cantik, berkulit putih (beliau berkulit gelap), berdada bidang tetapi tidak tahu adab serta kurang ajar.

Kesimpulannya, kita boleh membuat tanggapan awal, tetapi kita tidak boleh mengambil tanggapan awal berkenaan sebagai penilaian kita terhadap seseorang sehinggalah kita mengenali perwatakan mereka.

Saturday 7 May 2011

EcoCare 2011 Kick Off Events

Today marks the kick-off of EcoCare 2011, an initiative between Optimal and Malaysia Nature Society (MNS). The event was held at EcoCare's proposed site for Mangrove Awareness Center by the riverside of Sg. Kerteh.

Optimal's CEO giving his welcoming speech

Optimal's CEO, Mr. Herman Shrijver had delivered his welcoming speech before Kemasik's ADUN officiates this year's EcoCare event. The VIPs had also released fishes into Sg. Kerteh as a symbolic of the commencement of this corporate service responsibility program.

Time to release the fish!

There were three events organized for the EcoCare's volunteers namely fishing competition, planting mangrove seedlings and collecting mangrove's seeds at Sg. Kerteh. Our beloved CEO also took part in the fishing competition with the volunteers who are Optimal's staffs and the villagers from nearby villages.

Ready for action!

I took part in collecting mangrove seeds nearby the nursery. About a boat load of volunteers joined this activity. We managed to collect a bagful of seeds that will be planted in polybags and let to grow in the nursery before they are mature enough to be planted at selected planting sites along the Kerteh river.

Mangrove seedlings for replanting activity

This conservation effort is not that easy. It is reported that the growth failure rate for mangrove seedlings is about 60 %. Hence, a huge capital is needed to sustain to the conservation effort and Optimal is really committed to preserving the biodiversity of swamps area in Kerteh. The causes of seedlings' growth failure are from the tide, bad weather and bad water quality. So, this replanting effort is a never-ending process to ensure this natural tsunami barrier will sustain the ecosystem and provide protection to the people who lives near to the sea.

At the nursery

At noon, the volunteers had their lunch and the fishes caught by the participants were weighed to find the winner. Price-giving ceremony for fishing and photography competition were presented and the anglers need to be satisfied with their heaviest catch of 200 grams fish to emerge as champion. After all, this event had been very successful and I am looking forward to join EcoCare 2011 events that have been planned throughout this year. :)