When you're close to tears remember Some day it'll all be over One day we're gonna get so high And though it's darker than December What's ahead is a different colour One day we're gonna get so high
And at The end of the day remember the days When we were close to the edge And we'll wonder how we made it through the night The end of the day remember the way We stayed so close till the end We'll remember it was me and you
'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love
Don't you think it's time you started Doing what we always wanted One day we're gonna get so high 'Cause even the impossible is easy when we got each other One day 'we're gonna get so high
And at The end of the day remember the days when we were close to the edge And we'll wonder how we made it through the night The end of the day remember the way We stayed so close to till the end We'll remember it was me and you.
'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love (x2)
High, high, high, high.(x2)
And at The end of the day remember the days when we were close to the edge And we'll wonder how we made it through the night The end of the day remember the way We stayed so close to till the end We'll remember it was me and you.
'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love (x3)
Note to self
There's exist nothing precious and valued that is not worth waiting or
struggling for. So, if you are not willing to wait or sacrifice, or someone
is not w...
Ivory solemnization Dress
Sometimes ago, i did a favor for my cousin's friends for her nikah dress..
the dress was very plain, with few embroideries at sleeves and body.. i was
6 months
.. post-surgery. Hopefully my health will keep getting better. And i need
to start taking my meds diligently. Thinking of sharing my recovery
experience, t...
Di situ ada highway~
Aku baru je sampai rumah jam 12 malam. Bukan nye keje overtime, tapi buat
perkara yang aku minat. Badan penat, tapi tak rasa penat. Dah lama aku tak
rasa b...
Arghhhhh Ideea ideaaa
*Assalamualaikum semua dan selamat sejahtera*
*adoiiiyaiiiiiii, kawan-kawannn, aku sudah tiada idea nk tulis apa-apa laaa*
*banyak sangat cerita yang keluar ...
Saya terfikir untuk menghentikan penulisan saya disini sehingga saat ini
sahaja. Dan saya meluahkan hasrat saya kepada seseorang.
ape gune kawan?
bile mase maken bsar, kte maken dewase kn. heh. of coz la. apela kau ni
anum bongok melalut. ok serious mode.
bile maken bsar, kau maken byk blaja pasal id...
Easy Damn Translation??
Hi Minna-san!!
my 4 renkyu(4 consecutive days off) is finally over.
with otai, si bulat
i didn't go out, didn't study, didn't do my damn report, didn't do...
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